The Power of Empowerment: Overcoming Disempowerment

When it comes to our self-worth and acceptance, the difference between disempowerment and empowerment can mean everything. Disempowerment is when we rely on others to validate us, while empowerment is when we are self-aware and confident in our own abilities and worth.

What is Disempowerment?
Disempowerment occurs when we shift our authority to someone else and let their opinions determine our worth. This often happens when someone we want approval from says something derogatory, and we take it as rejection. This puts us in a state of self-doubt and insecurity.

What is Empowerment?
On the other hand, empowerment means being in control of our own worth and not relying on external validation. When someone we want to be accepted by says something derogatory, an empowered person redirects it and sees it as “not being the right fit” instead of internalizing it as rejection. This creates a state of mind that is resistant to external forces and reduces self-doubt.

How to Achieve Empowerment?
Being empowered means being highly self-aware and utilizing all of our gifts and abilities to benefit ourselves and others. It’s about being in harmony and alignment with our natural expression, which is the strongest state we can be in. To achieve empowerment, focus on developing self-awareness and using your strengths to benefit yourself and others.

The Benefits of Empowerment
When we are empowered, we are more confident, secure, and in control of our own worth. This not only benefits us personally, but also in our relationships and interactions with others. By relying on ourselves instead of external validation, we are able to live a more fulfilling life and experience greater happiness and satisfaction.